JCI MCE 2023
Board of Director

Tommi Ong

Tommi Ong

2023 JCI MCE President

2023 President Message

Dear Beloved JCI Malacca City Entrepreneur members,

It is another exciting year with JCI Malacca City Entrepreneur (JCI MCE). JCI MCE gave me many opportunities to learn, grow and to lead people for greater achievement. Thank you for giving me mandate to be president this year. I really appreciate the supports from all my beloved members, and great supports from Past President. Besides, I would also like to take this opportunity to thank my Board of Directors in giving me full confidence and support to go ahead in the new venture.

This year, my presidential theme is T.R.U.S.T. , which stands for Transformation, Relationship, Unity, Serve, and Thrive. We need to transform ourselves, build our strengths, strengthen our weaknesses to grow and to lead in this changing world. Relations among MCE and other stakeholders, including governments and societies, give us the opportunity to work together as long-term partnerships. On the other hand, Unity become more important within our Local Organization when we grow bigger and more new members are joining us., Aligning with JCI Malaysia plan of action, we are setting our growth & development priority to achieve membership growth to 200 members. The main focus is not only to recruit, but also retention of our members. With all these, we are able to serve to lead our local communities, and to thrive together as one.

This year, we will continue to advance our journey to foster more leaders and achieve great impact following the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. We will continue our impactful flagship projects in the 4 pillars of community, businesses, individual and international. They include Back to School, Business Keynote, Little Boss, and many more. We are also seeking for sustainable partnerships to grow together!

We are honoured to be able to host 2023 JCI Malaysia National Convention (NatCon) in Melaka. NatCon is the biggest annual event in JCI Malaysia, celebrating the outstanding achievements of JCI Members and Local Organisations. One of the greatest challenges is to give our best hospitality to host for about 1500 JCI Members International Delegates. We want to take this opportunity to introduce Malacca, and to stimulate the economy in Malacca, benefiting the local businesses. Hence, JCI Malacca City Entrepreneur welcome you to Melaka and see you in NatCon!

Last but not least, I want to take this opportunity to thank our sister chapters, JCI Lukang, JCI Tsuen Wan, and friendship pact JCI Jayakarta for continuous support. I would like to congratulate JCI Jayarkata for taking the challenge to host 2023 JCI Asia and the Pacific Conference (ASPAC). We will be signing sister chapter together during the ASPAC visit to JCI Jayarkata.

Our chapter will continue to grow in exciting and innovative directions, together with all members in unity. I am proud to be part of JCI Malacca City Entrepreneur.

Trust To Lead, Connect As One Family!

Valarie Ngoh

Valarie Ngoh

Immediate Past President

Nina Wong

Nina Wong

Executive Vice President

Shi Hao

Shi Hao

Secretary General


Mike Lee

Mike Lee

General Legal Counsel

Manson Khoo

Manson Khoo

Honorary Treasurer


Douglas Tay

Douglas Tay

Vice President (Individual)

Sharon Chen

Sharon Chen

Vice President (Community)

Kay Wan

Kay Wan

Vice President (Business)

Thomas Ng

Thomas Ng

Vice President (Internation)

Amber Yeo

Amber Yeo

Vice President (LOM)

Gan Ming Han

Gan Ming Han

SPC Chaiman

Dato Ong Ah Thye

Dato Ong Ah Thye

Alumni Chairman